A.I. vs CEO'S vs Developers

A.I. will not take our jobs, but CEO's will think otherwise

By Mubarik Alfablondi

Created on October 1st, 2024

There are many tech developers that I've learned from that are not worried at all within the impending "doom" of A.I. taking jobs, especially me. Most developers know to use programs like claud or chatGTP as a tool but not a cruch. There isn't a so called a perfect tool, if there was than capitalism would likely fall or capitalism would likely drift to make the tool just slightly less perfect for buyers to buy the next variation of the tool itself. Anyways back on track, A.I. isn't going to take a majority of jobs. It would likely increase the job market but only for the select few that are in the space of engineering, math, and computer science itself. The better these tools get the more human resources and calculations it'll need to be a better everyday pocket assistant for our human questions and needs. With that being said some CEO's that don't know that A.I. like Claud or ChatGTP isn't perfect tend to lay off staff and say that an A.I. will leviate some of the workload. I do agree that some workloads in development are (excuse my french) bullshit, but we must not disregard the senior developers or junior developers towards the nuiences of context and consumers. Life is complex and some humans understand that complexity, its what makes us human. AI doesn't understand human complexity as well as. As jobs try their hardest towards making humans more robots the big tech companies are trying to make A.I. more human and I think that we're working backwords when doing so. My prediction towards the future isn't a bleak one but a funny repeated loop (history does love to repeat or rhryme for itself). I predict that when AI does "replace" or automate a job position, it'll be so great that It will likely replace the CEO itself. And as the book DUNE puts it "Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them." I guess only the best survive.

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Best Regards, Moo